Building instructions

The software is tested in Windows OS. The steps to build the project in Windows are explained below.


  1. Python version 3.12 or higher.

Instructions to run

  1. Open Command prompt and Clone Repository :

    git clone <repository_url>

  2. Navigate to Project Directory :

    cd <project_directory>

  3. Create and Activate Virtual Environment:

    python -m venv <venv_name>

  4. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Run the Application with the required CLI option and corresponding values:

    Sample command line:

    python --maxEncTime 100 --maxDecTime 200 --codec vvenc --resultCsv output.csv --rmax 1080 --maxQuality 90 --jnd 5

  6. Deactivate Virtual Environment:


Make sure to replace <repository_url>, <project_directory>, and <venv_name> with the appropriate values for the project. Step 1 and Step 4 have to be done only the first time.